Alex Gomez (BS in Graphic Information Technology from Arizona State University) is a digital media producer. He discovered his passion in college and has spent the past four years establishing Silicon Visual Productions across Arizona and California. He works with small companies to produce content that garners attention, provokes thought, and excites audiences. Recently, Alex worked with Master Plan Industries to launch their Kickstarter to showcase their hard-to-capture products in detail. He connects with clients to understand what truly drives digital media production. Whether connecting with an audience to sell a product or communicate a message, Alex has been able to captivate audiences across various industries and continues to expand his production business into new markets. He served as Assistant Director for earthDECKS’ HELLO WORLD (rock opera serial), for which the first episode is winning awards on the 2020 Film Festival circuit. Alex has brought his diverse skills to tasks ranging from legal (our release agreements) to photographic artistry (capturing master slow motion sequences) to difficult green screen editing.