Nicholas Wilson worked on VR–AR and AI research at Samsung Research America as Team Lead for digital assistant concepts in virtual and augmented reality (using Unity). He was responsible for developing technical specifications, project priorities and timelines, which entailed implementing AI-related aspects of the backend (Api.Ai, saliency map web api, etc.) He assisted with talent acquisition at all phases of onboarding, initiated, planned and oversaw collaboration with foreign contractors and fostered cross-department collaborations.
Prior to joining Samsung he was Senior Software Developer at Selectron Technologies, Inc., a leading interactive solutions provider, where he was responsible for agile software development of modern IVR systems, web api and Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) backend technologies, dynamically loaded (via Unity) windows service. He managed front end development using typescript, JQuery, Knockout, Kendo, Bootstrap, integration with Voxeo Prophecy and CXP for handling call flow for 100% code coverage using unit and integration testing methods. He has a PhD in Cognitive Science from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute where he was the lead developer for the CLARION Library, implementing the CLARION Cognitive Architecture by Dr. Ron Sun. He is versed in cognitive architectures, cognitive modeling, unified theories of cognition, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. He has been chief technical and information officer for several startups, including TW Solutions, Northwest Smartcloud, and earthDECKS, the latter chosen because of his commitment to give back and to address the challenges of global sustainability. He brings his experience in how cognitive architectures inform recommender system design to his work on earthDECKS’ AI-driven back end, CIRIStm (Collaborative Intelligence Reasoning and Inference System).